Voting Technology Project
Research in Accessible Voting Report
Working Paper No.:  148
Date Published:  2014-07-01


Ted Selker et al., Selker Design Research and UMBC


This report describes results of the Research in Accessible Voting (RAV) subcontract of the Research Alliance for Accessible Voting (RAAV) grant from the Election Assistance Commission. The Research in Accessible Voting (RAV) work was performed at CMU-Silicon Valley and at the Data Democracy Initiative at CITRIS at the University of California Berkeley. New techniques were developed and tested to improve physical, cognitive, and perceptual accessibility of voting.

RAV research addresses technological opportunities for improving voting for individuals with disabilities throughout the current voting process in the United States. The projects range from solutions that can be implemented with no change to equipment or process, to those that provide direction for next-generation voting systems, with a focus on audio voting, electronic voting interfaces, visual aids for paper ballots, and polling place operations. The direction of the projects was motivated by experiences with existing voting equipment and prototypes, poll watching, and interviews with election officials. All RAV software prototypes will be released into the public domain, allowing other researchers to build on the work.


Research in Accessible Voting Report  (Size: 3517 KB)